If you think everything is controlled by a gigantic clockwork mechanism filled with gears and springs, you’re closer to right than you thought. The gears […]
I am not resolving…
I am not resolving to lose weight this year. I’m not resolving to quit smoking, learn another language, reach out to old friends, or drive […]
Tree Behind Barbed Wire
In Yellow. All the other trees huddled together on the far side of the field. But this one, for some reason, came all the way […]
24-Hour Comic Book Day
In less than 24 hours I will embark on this grand tradition, a challenge for which I am ill-prepared. And you can follow me on […]
Take a Stool
Advantages to city life: Every now and then, you absolutely need a moment’s rest. There’s no getting around it. And on rare occasion, the city […]
The Painter
It may be merely a bridge to you. But to the man with the canvas, it is Inspiration. If you were having trouble finding your […]
The Secrets of Successful Romance
Day 45 of 365 Days of Color. Valentine’s Day. Here, I shall reveal to you the secrets of successful Romance (not to be confused with […]