The Forgotten Author

Have you forgotten me, or have I forgotten you? Has it been weeks since I’ve said anything? Have I been quiet on all the message boards? Is everything alright?

How are you? (For the record, I’m fine. Nothing wrong today that wasn’t wrong before I vanished, which is to say everything’s under control. I think.)

Am I busy working on something? (I’m always working on something, even if it’s only in my head, but these days I’ve been hammering quite slowly at something immensely enjoyable.)

Am I moving again? (When am I not?)

Am I about to make a big announcement? (Not one of which I’m aware, but that’s subject to change.)

Is there anything you want to hear about? (That’s only for you to answer, whilst the questions above are answerable by both you and I.)

I promise to do better. Later this week: pictures, essays, poetry, and maybe a short piece of fiction. Promise.


  1. I’m no knight, no need for Sir. {wicked grin}

    When there’s news on Midnight, I’ll post it here. No worries. In the meantime, there’s no news. Sorry.

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