Day 2 of 365 Days of Gym

Okay, so my 365 Day Project is, in essence, to create a new me. It’s 365 Days of Gym. The idea is 1 hour a day, 5 days a week, in the gym or an acceptable substitute. Day 1, yesterday, was over an hour of racquetball. Today, Day 2, in the morning I did my first weigh in. I’m starting at 234.8 pounds. This evening, I did 45 minutes on the elliptical walker, and 3 sets on each of 4 arm exercises: bicep curl (70lb), tricep extension (35lb the first, then 2 more at 45lb), lat pull down (100lb, 115lb, then 130lb), and chest press (1 at 85lb, then 2 at 100lb). It has officially begun.

Posting here ought to keep me honest, and allow you and I to track my progress with numbers. The self portraits should also show the progress–or lack thereof.

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